Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Lilies of the Field

New Year's Eve 2010 Brunswick, GA
 Psalm 8:3-4 NIV
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?"

I have had a dream inside my heart since childhood when my dad told me stories to help me fall asleep at night. I wanted to tell stories, too. Dad tried to get his stories published. I tried in college to publish mine.  I even took a creative writing class to help me out.

What I learned in the class actually had a negative impact on me. I only saw the negative side of writing for publishing, so I walked away from my dream.

I became a teacher. I taught uninterested students how to write. Each semester I showed them how to pass the state writing tests. I had amazing success, but after years of teaching others how to write, I wanted to write.

However, I told myself that door closed years ago.

But this summer, God opened the door and pushed me through it upside down and backwards, with the help of a dear friend. 

He gave me an opportunity to use my gift for His glory. 

Why? Because He loves me so much that He orchestrated the events that led to a miraculous opportunity for me.

He is such a loving God.

He works miracles for others as well.

Tonight He helped my exchange student on an issue with her hair. Her hair of all things! Tonight our family learned He cares about each strand of hair on our head.
Thank you, Lord, for caring about even the minor concerns of our lives and bringing miracles to us when we least expect them.


  1. I love "God opened the door and pushed me through it upside down and backwards." I am so glad he did!

    By the way, all of your photographs are beautiful, but this particular one is breathtaking!

  2. I had to lie on my back on my driveway New Year's Eve to get the shot. This is across the street from us facing east. It was the "Blue Moon" as you may recall.
