Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Teach Them Well

Cumberland Falls, Kentucky
                                    October 2003                                   

Job 27:11 NIV
"I will teach you about the power of God; the ways of the Almighty I will not conceal."

The first teachers in children’s lives are parents. They begin teaching as soon as their children are born.

Years ago, Crosby, Stills and Nash admonished parents to "Teach Your Children Well". 

There are two possibilities.

First, are parents who feed their children their own broken dreams and offer them to their young for their future.

What a terrible testament to parenthood; however, every day I witness young people who have tasted the bitter dreams of their parents' lives and are wading in the aftermath of their destructive paths. I know firsthand the sad legacy of that possibility.

Then, there’s the opposite. I've observed students whose parents take an active role in teaching them and being a part of their lives. They're the parents working the booths at football games to raise money for the soccer team, or taking the tennis team on a moment's notice to a tournament just so they can watch their child play in the match.

These kids have warm spirits and radiate when I talk to them. They’re not bitter as I work with them in the classroom because their needs are met at home.

Parents are the most important teachers in the lives of their children, yet too many parents don't realize their significant role. Their children watch them constantly and strive to be just like them.  

Of course children will feed off the dreams of their parents; it's only natural.

I wonder how well the parents are teaching their children?
Dear Lord, bless parents raising children. Let them teach their children well. Let them teach their children about your love.

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