Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jealousy, Thy Name is Jade

Ridiculous Jade

1 Samuel 18:9 NIV
"And from that time on Saul kept a jealous eye on David."

As I write tonight, Precious, one of our younger cats, sits on the armrest of my chair advising me on my thoughts. Since her days as a kitten, she has been in love with the laptop and the computer screen and loves her place by my side as I write. 

Her "big brother" Jade is pacing around my chair on the floor in a jealous fit. He's not used to sharing me this time of night, and his eyes are wide open and dark. His tail is stretched taut, and he's restless. As I call to him, he comes only so far toward me, spies Precious, turns away, and pouts.

Now both Jade and Precious have stretched out on the bed within two feet of each other. The baby is content and happy. Her elder is sniffing a stuffed animal and shooting her dirty looks from behind it.

I never tire watching the interaction of the cats around me. Jade, as the only male of four cats, believes he has first dibs on me. The others believe they have just as much right to my time as he does. Several fights have erupted at times over this point. It is so ridiculous.

I imagine God looks down at me at times and thinks the same thing. "Really, Lori, what are you getting so upset over this for? You're being ridiculous!"  I know I disappoint Him when I become self-centered and focused on myself. When I put my needs first instead of other people's, I get my life out of balance.

I have my share of pity parties at times, and like Jade, I have to fight jealousy.  I guess this just proves I'm human.

I strive to be better each day. I want to be better. With God's grace and love, I will continue to try to improve, so I don't look as silly as Jade does when he is jealous.
Lord, help me to focus on you and all you would have me become.

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