Monday, March 21, 2011

Mile High Sourdough Biscuits

Not a Sourdough Biscuit, but a Yummy Birthday Cake
19 March 2011

Isaiah 40:31 KJV
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

I was in trouble at work again. Glenn called me into his office at the Days Inn in Richmond, Kentucky, during a lull between the breakfast and lunch rush. I never looked forward to discussions with Glenn. His point of view was opposite mine.

I was a morning shift cook. I lived about three miles from work and walked there every morning arriving by 5:00 a.m. to heat up the grill, start the oven, and prepare the sourdough for biscuits.

The locals loved my biscuits. In fact, they preferred mine to Cracker Barrel's across the street and made a point to find out when I was on morning shift, so they could come eat at Days Inn for breakfast.

Glenn sat behind his desk studying an egg. He didn't offer me a seat.

"Lori, do you know how much an egg white weighs?"

He had a rather hefty book in front of him lying on his desk opened to a page of fractions and figures. I supposed it contained the answer, but I couldn't read upside down. Also, since Glenn was always so deadpan when he spoke, none of us knew when he was serious or telling a joke. He didn't have much personality and was awkward around people.  I was fairly good at getting along with everyone, but I still hadn't figured him out.

"Uh, no, Glenn.  I haven't really thought about how much an egg white weighs."

"How about the yolk of an egg?"


"Do you know how much one egg white costs?"

"Costs! No, Glenn. I have never thought about that in my entire life."

"What about a cup of flour? Any idea how much it costs? Or a cup of buttermilk?"

Suddenly I saw where he was heading. These were the ingredients for my biscuits. He was critiquing my biscuits! I became defensive. "Glenn, what is this about?"

"Lori, your biscuits are double the size they are supposed to be."

"Glenn- I don't know how that happens. I cut them like I'm supposed to, and they just grow in the oven. Everyone likes them because they are big and fluffy."

"We're losing money on them. I'll need to show you how to make biscuits. Watch me and make them just like I do from now on."

Glenn proceeded to give me a lesson on making biscuits. He made a huge mess, and all the waitresses in the break room watching his lesson laughed, which caused him to turn red and storm out of the kitchen.

I cut back on the size of my biscuits, but the customers complained. They left us for Cracker Barrel.

I'm glad God doesn't hold me up and examine me like an egg, weighing and measuring all my flaws and charging me for each infraction. His Son has already paid the ultimate price for my sins, and I know that gift is priceless.

God is now counting on me to make the most of that gift, and I am counting on God to help me as I try.

God will help me rise like my sourdough biscuits to my full potential as I give to others each day.
Thank you, Lord, for your belief in my life as I rise to your occasion each day.

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