Tuesday, November 22, 2011

He Understands Me

God's Love is Displayed in Many Ways

1 John 4:8 NIV
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

My seniors were mezmerized as they watched Mary Shelley's dark tale, Frankenstein, unfold. Victor Frankenstein had stiched together limbs from different corpses to shape his creature, who upon wakening, merely wanted to be loved. Instead, he was met with immediate rejection by his creator and the world upon which he entered.

My students felt empathy for the creature, who was alienated from society and reviled. It's hard to remember my teenage years, but I know the thought, "They don't understand me!" filtered through my head numerous times.

As I heard characters in the story admonish Victor that "only God can create life!" I thought about how blessed I am to have a Creator who embraces me and loves me. He comforts me in my weakest hours.

A loving God created me. And if I feel alienated and unloved in my life, it's an indicator that I have strayed from my Father.

Frankenstein's creature never had a chance to sustain the goodness that he inherently possessed. No one showed him love, the basic element we all need to survive. 
Lord, I'm thankful for the love you shower upon me everyday of my life.


  1. I love the picture at the top of this post. It is so pretty.

    We (my mom, brother and I) recently read the Frankenstein book. But we've never seen the movie.

  2. Joy, I was in a rush for time as the semester is almost over, so I took the easy route and showed the movie. Would much rather read the novel. So much to discuss in that story!

  3. Very powerful, Lori. To be loved by the Father...it's more than I can get my head around. Sweet, sweet grace! Couldn't breathe without it. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thanks for adding your insight, Shawnelle!
