Wednesday, April 20, 2011

An Easter Parable

The Old Church on the Hill
The Former 2nd Prairie Creek Baptist Church
Near Terre Haute, Indiana

Matthew 28:6 NIV
"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay."

It's THE teacher phone call. The one no parent wants to receive and no teacher wants to make.

Hello? This is Mrs. Durham.

I'm your child's English teacher. Yes. English. I'm calling to follow-up on the progress report s/he brought home from school today.  Yes, ma'am.  Today. Maybe it's in her/his book bag. You might ask her/him to look. Yes, ma'am. S/He received it in Homeroom today.  Yes ma'am I'll wait.

Uh-huh.  I thought s/he might find it there. Yes, ma'am. I'm calling to tell you I updated some grades today, and her/his grade has increased to a 40%.  Yes. I'll wait.

Yes, ma'am, I'm still here. Yes, that's correct. S/He is writing an essay for me tonight, and s/he should be studying for a test over the novel we just read. There are handouts for the novel that are due as well. 

As I was trying to say, with the four-day weekend coming up for Good Friday, I'll be happy to give her/him a printout of all her/his missing work, so s/he can make up the work over the long weekend and turn it into me on Tuesday.

Yes, ma'am. I thought you'd like that idea. Move her/him from her/his friends and assign extra homework, too?  Yes, ma'am that is certainly an interesting thought.

I just wanted to let you know there is still a chance s/he can pass the class even though her/his grade is so low.  S/He is too bright to have not completed her/his work this semester.

I'll even stay after school to help her/him finish the work if s/he will meet with me. I'll do everything I can to help her/him pass.

Yes, ma'am. You're welcome because I am also calling to give YOU hope.

After all, this is Easter Weekend: a time of REDEMPTION and HOPE for ALL of us-- even wayward students.
Praise our Risen Lord!

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