Friday, December 30, 2011

Light Without Pain

God's Light Shines through the Dark Woods
May 2011

2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

After three years of postponing the inevitable, I visited the eye doctor today.  Although my eyes had not changed much, my lenses are so scratched I am hard pressed to see straight.  Reading has become a chore, and as I have a fresh semester of sophomore papers facing me, I figured now was the right time for new glasses.

In the course of her examination, the doctor dilated my pupils.  I dislike this part of the visit as my eyes take so long to recover.  Even covering my eyes with sunglasses doesn't help much when my eyes are fully dilated. 

Daylight is so brilliant I have difficulty focusing on the world around me. Instead, images distort as light attacks my vulnerability. The world is so illuminated I am pained by all I see. I shaded my eyes with one hand in order to drive.

When I arrived home, I collasped in my recliner, closed my tired eyes, sunglasses still on, and napped.

As I rested, I thought about the intensity of ordinary sunlight when my pupils are enlarged.  Then I wondered what it would be like to see my Maker in Heaven. 

God is Light and Love. However, I suspect His light will be the kind that radiates without burning.  I believe it will illuminate but not overpower.

For several hours today I was unable to complete simple tasks because of my light sensitivity.  However, I feel certain God's Light, although much brighter and stronger than the sun, will bring peace, not pain.
Thank you, Lord, for your Light and Love.

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